So I seem to be awash in the happy chemical, Day two into my staycation at Casa Chillax Retreat in Campello. Costa Blanca, Spain.

Serotonin is the chemical which contributes to wellbeing and happiness. It primarily is found in your brain but also found in your bowels and blood platelets. Good for me. This hormone will stabilise my mood, enabling my brain cells and nervous system to talk happily with each other whilst they aid my sleeping, eating and digestion. It does not take a lot though for me to feel happy. Surrounded by all the triggers, I openly embrace, Good people, sunshine, and of course great food.
I am in a fabulous mood.
Serotonin must be swimming about in my brain regulating any anxiety, happiness, and lifting my mood. People associated with low levels of this chemical often struggle with depression, so I must have double doses today if that is at all possible. I am not a scientist, so if this is what is going on in my body, then all is swell with me, Walking down the stone steps and out to the open space where they practice yoga every morning, I am regretting the wine and chocolate, I had the night before. However, memories of my first day are still lifting my spirit, Can things get any better. Who has the luxury of having three yoga teachers in a class that has only me. We may be practicing together but I feel like I am getting all the attention and expertise.
My lesson this morning is Yoga and they have a guest teacher coming in. One of the guests here, Dee from London, is already warming up. Dee is a Pilates teacher and from London. ‘I am a bit stiff,’ I said, perhaps expecting some sympathy with a smile, ‘and I need to get rid of my wobbly tummy.’ Dee offered to help me with some Pilates exercises.
“Let’s do a one to one,” she said enthusiastically. “The yoga teacher is late anyhow.” I could not believe my luck. The universe shining down on me as my serotonin levels started to bubble deliciously through my brain as I laid on my tum and did my favourite exercise, pelvic floor . Haha remember these, You are advised to do them after pregnancy, to get all of that down there working again. Hmm, as we get older we need them working to stop ourselves peeing when we laugh. Love this exercise, I can lay down and pretend I am just relaxing but really I am working out.
Then the German Yoga teacher turned up, Flexibility and flair on fairy legs. (She won’t mind me saying that.) Don’t let it fool you; she was here for some deep stretching and I could tell I needed my serious face on. My pelvic floor exercises had not quite warmed me up, well only in a certain nice place.
So with focused concentration, and still smiling, all I needed to do was keep my dignity as I stretched forward into what I call, Keep your boobs in your bra pose. Most yoga people wear tight, clingy fitting clothes. Their clothes smooth nicely to their toned bodies. Unfortunately for me, I am still in the phase of ‘loose baggy T/Shirt,’ so as you drop your head down, the neck of your t/shirt falls forward, and you get an eyeful of your boobs hanging on to the edge of your bra.
“And slowly lift up your arms above your head…………. inhale, and let go”
I am thinking, Lauren, please focus on something other than ‘I hope my boobs have dropped back into where they belong. My mind wanders, ‘If i continue practicing, how long will it be before I can ditch the baggy t shirt and clad myself in lycra? I dare not look down. but hey-ho we are all girls together today.

My lesson though was amazing and I still cannot believe this has all been on offer to me.
After breakfast, another surprise.
Anouk, “Hey Lauren, do you want to join us for a Spanish lesson?” I look up to the Sky,
‘Hey Uni? Serotonin and a Spanish lesson?’
What are you trying to tell me?
I certainly need to improve what dismal amount of Spanish I can communicate, especially as I have lived in Spain for more years than I am going to admit here.. Anouk our host is Spanish and tests my knowledge. I start off really badly with that blank look of, I understand nothing, my brain is asleep. However, I was soon able to tune in and discover, I understood more than I realised, must be all those Spanish movies I have watched.
Dinner was served up at 6.30 and was brilliantly cooked by Colin. A homemade burger, balanced on mashed swede, garlic potatoes, fresh cauliflower and broccoli. Conversation at the table took a twist as we talked about Chinese horoscopes. I am a Rooster and I talk a lot, HaHa, they got that right, the Chinese that is.
I could not write last night, Too dangerous, too much red wine and an aching body. I may just make the odd spelling mistake and forget to correct it. So with thoughts of Serotonin and my Yoga boobs, I let sleep take over.
Today is Friday 13th, Before patriarchal times, Friday the 13th was considered the day of the Goddess. It was considered a day to worship the Divine Feminine that lives in us all and to honor the cycles of creation and death and rebirth. (Thought I would throw this in my post. Worship the divine feminine that lives in us all and keep your boobs where they belong)