The circle of want has bent on the side, The people cling on and are trying to hide, Their need is a force and now justification, to sway us from reason and clarification. The rules…
How should we set our body clocks. What are the best hours to sleep. Good Night, Sleep Tight, See you in the Morning Light. So the bedtime poem says, becoming the goodnight words I would…
I love my cup of tea in the morning. but does this count towards my daily recommended water consumption. I am told I should be drinking, up to 8 glasses of water per day, I…
I am standing on the shoulders of my past. Looking out towards a hopeful horizon. I see birds with an expanse of blue feathers, They soar as if nothing matters, unaware of any predator, Looking…
Playing close to the edge with the flames of uncertainty, we can tease resistance pulling it like elastic. When it snaps you can hear the sound of creation, close your eyes for a moment and…
Do not dare to mock my solitude, I am more than happy to spend my time on this wall, soaking up the sun listening to the sounds of the square. These were his thoughts on…
There is no beauty in the finest cloth if it makes hunger and unhappiness Mahatma gandhi. it is perhaps more of a crime, to think that the cloth is no longer as fine as it…