Losing a child.

6 mins read

No words.

Some of you may remember me writing recently, on the subject of why we shall be living longer than our children. The article was about healthy living but my research touched a nerve in me. Closely remembering my Grandmother’s sorrow following the death of my Mother, and then in 1993, I lost my baby son who was stillborn. Eleven years later I nearly lost my daughter to a meningitis bacteria. she was only four, but miraculously survived. No parent should lose a child. I was lucky, the support I received was incredible, the same as when I lost my husband, my lifeline and soul partner. Too many losses and too many nerves touched. The support I received kept me going and I am so grateful to all the people who helped me through, surviving such a tough time.

Today I was touched again when I was given the news that the son of one of the Indian ladies I met whilst working on our Daadi project, lost his life because of a motorcycle accident.

We have been surrounded by bad news, deaths from Covid19 and suicides, brought on by uncertainty and depression. I have tried to avoid these subjects on my blog, however, I feel just once in a while, they need to be acknowledged. Not to make us feel sad, but to help us all rise up and do what we can to support those people who are dire need of help.

.This is Meera, Today she is not smiling. Today she is grieving, because, yesterday her 22 year old son Banty was killed in a motorcycle accident.
She was one of the ladies working within the Saksham project in India
learning #sewing for the hope of a better life.
Meera had been working in the project for the past four years, she had never been to school and wanted to study. Tragedy had already struck her when her husband had previously taken his own life leaving her with a young family to support. I cannot imagine what she is going through today.

Meera lives on the slums in Jaipur, The workroom there has been shut since February this year, because of COVID19,

Banty had been helping his mother by working and supporting her and his two siblings who are both studying since his father died. Now he has also gone and her desperation grows.

There are so many stories out there of people and their suffering, but I have met Meera, so for me this is personal. This has touched my own grief. I want to hug her but I cannot.

Because of the closure of the school and the workroom, I have been asking people recently to help raise some money through buymeacoffee.com but now I am hoping to help some of these ladies back towards employment by ordering some organic masks. This will help them. Any kind of fundraising will help. We are looking to raise 5,000 Euros to provide facilities to start a new workroom and school. It is not a fortune but it should get them all up and running.

I have 2000 facebook friends I can ask and hopefully we could get some donations through my articles. I have been writing everyday to build up my blog so people can donate. Any fund raisers out there who would like to work with me on this? PLEASE get in Touch. This work must carry on. For the sake of Meera and her family, Please can you help?

Saksham Project and Ashanari
In the coming week, Nitin Sharma who is featured below will be organising a sale of some of the clothes already made before the Pandemic. You will be able to purchase them direct.
We will also be pricing the 100% organic masks.

RIP. Banty.

India is having a tough time and is now the 4th most affected country, trying to cope with COVID19. On top of everything else, in Jaipur they are still trying to dig themselves out of mud from the rains. The people are resilient though and will work hard to survive this, That is what I love about this nation. We can learn a lot from them.

together we can work towards making a better world

Please don’t forget to comment or better still BUY ME A COFFEE

Hiya, I am Lauren, a lifestyle traveller, writer and health Nerd. Due to lockdown I decided to get on with writing my blog and catching up with friends new and old. I believe we are one world that for most of us wants to promote peace and goodwill to each other, wherever you are in the world I wish you well. I hope we connect and share our stories.

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