Eager to be a good wife and mother, she cared for her daughters with great care and love but her free spirit soon started to whirl within. Her dreams would bubble to the surface on more than one occasion. As a wife and mother her duty expected more of her. Although she knew her expected skills as a wife were not perfect she had hoped her love would be enough for her husband to understand and forgive her for this energy, which pushed her to want more from her life. Her love for her daughters was greater. They were her creation and gift, she believed her free spirit would guide them to create a better life for themselves and to learn about how grand and wide were the spaces around them. They would learn that if they reached high enough they could touch the clouds and beyond the stars. She told them that there was enough in the world for everyone to have an equal share.
I remember her this way.

Now that I live in Spain, Spanish Mothers day usually falls on a different day to the one we had in the UK. My kids use this to excuse them from celebrating Mothers day saying, I am not Spanish. I am not worried, it amuses me. I know they love me. We do not celebrate it so much as we did back when my Mum was alive. The bunch of flowers on Mothering Sunday was expected.
I miss my Mum. It is forty years since she died of breast cancer at the age of 43. I was only 24 years old. Her influence over me in that short time was abundant and I feel her words and love still.
I have a number of friends who never were lucky enough to know their Mothers and my thoughts are about them today. As we all celebrate our Mothers and show appreciation, it must be difficult for them to share these feelings. Sharing hugs and warm positive vibes.
Motherhood in itself is worth celebrating, knowing that as humans we are all capable of showing un-conditional love, a kind of love that becomes un-questionable. To all Mothers. Have a wonderful day.