
Word block

I have never been lost for words, just occasionally I have to do something a little differently. The words that I have had recently ringing in my head, I would not expect anyone:- least of…


Poem – A poem for travel minds

I laid my head and dreamed of friends, Their laughter echoes in faraway corners, Still and frozen in time, they stay My journey took me far away. It is true, we move in a world…


Poem – Circle of want

The circle of want has bent on the side, The people cling on and are trying to hide, Their need is a force and now justification, to sway us from reason and clarification. The rules…


Poem – On the edge

Playing close to the edge with the flames of uncertainty, we can tease resistance pulling it like elastic. When it snaps you can hear the sound of creation, close your eyes for a moment and…

short story, the portrait artist.

Do not dare to mock my solitude, I am more than happy to spend my time on this wall, soaking up the sun listening to the sounds of the square. These were his thoughts on…


Poem – Travel back then

I often wish I had created the same for my own kids, maybe I did, I will have to ask them. Travel creates memories. It doesn’t matter where you go – you just go somewhere.…

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