I am standing on the shoulders of my past. Looking out towards a hopeful horizon. I see birds with an expanse of blue feathers, They soar as if nothing matters, unaware of any predator, Looking…
We don’t read and write poetry because it’s cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering,…
There has been so much negative press about, especially coping with the pressures of COVID19. Our health has been at the front of our minds. However this should be a good thing – right? It…
Why did you move to Spain? A question I have been asked more than I have had hot dinners, or should I now say Tapas I often replied, ‘ “Because I could” To be honest,…
How do you feel today? Give your mood a mark out of ten with number one being the lowest point. Chances are that if you are writing down anything between 2 and 6 you have…
Who would have ever predicted that the world would now be so restricted a year ago, when my friend Chris and I embarked on a journey that was going to bring so many new directions.…