How often has one of your relatives or friends repeated the same story? The story that they use to make a point. They know you have heard it before but they have this urge to tell you again. Before you start rolling your eyes – read on
There are a number of reasons why we love to repeat stories, and why it must be told over again to have such a powerful impact on us:
As a storyteller I have many and this morning I came across a newspaper article written in 1946 about my great-grandfather, Harry. The article describes a story that resonates with me on a deep level and inspires me to share it with others. I find sharing stories that are meaningful can be a powerful way to connect with my audience and help them see the world from a different perspective. So what will make his story resonate with you?

Let us look at the emotional connection. It is easy for me to connect, his blood runs through my veins. so how do I tell his story to make it resonate with you, and why should it matter?
Stories can tap into our emotions in a way that facts and figures cannot. We have used storytelling for thousands of years to share information. It is embroiled in our DNA. When we hear a story that resonates with us, it can evoke a strong emotional response that can stay with us for a long time. It becomes a story we need to keep on sharing.
Know your audience.
By connecting with our audience we hope to make our story resonate so the timing of a story is as important as the content so know your audience. Getting your story across is usually the objective. Often the story is told to your friends and family members to stress a point and may need repeating a few times to allow them to take it on board. However, it is good to be aware of their mood for listening. Today’s modern world gives us little time to talk and even less time to listen. Sitting around a table and sharing stories over a meal when our phones are constantly competing for attention makes it almost impossible to tell a story to keep your friends captivated. It is no wonder we keep repeating.
“Why We Share Our Stories: The Power of Being Understood”
Sharing what holds significance for us through our stories, is a way to convey our identity and aspirations to the world. When I read the article about Harry, my Great Grandfather, I experienced empathy, enabling me to view the world through his eyes.
By immersing myself in his story I was able to develop an understanding of his experiences which were very different from my own and yet I was able to relate to his way of thinking.
We can often identify with the characters in a story, which can help us to see ourselves in a new light. By seeing how the characters overcome challenges and grow throughout the story, we can be inspired to do the same in our own lives.
His story resonated with me more than I realised. I find myself telling the scaled-down version to my friends. This is the full version of a newspaper article written in 1946.
Artist Who Believes In Miracles
Artist Henry Havelock Cornell believes-In miracles. Five years ago he
shuffled along the Embankment, In London, a middle-aged man, down and
out, finished. Now he ls holding his first one-man show at the Leicester
galleries and selling, his paintings at £15 a time.
That is Cornell’s idea of a miracle, states the “People.” It was the King
who helped him and inspired him. Had Abraham Lincoln died at 50 he
would have died unknown, and at that age Cornell was spending his
nights among the homeless in St; Martin’s crypt.
Thin, dour-faced, wearing a cap and muffler, Cornell described to a London
reporter, the lucky chance that brought him fame.
“As I stood In Piccadilly,” he said,”gazing at the pictures ‘.of a pavement artist,
I thought to myself, ‘I can do better than that.’
I had 2d In my pocket-2d to satisfy hunger or ambition. “Ambition won.
I bought chalk and started to draw on the pavement
opposite the King’s house-he was then Duke of York, at 145 Piccadilly.
“I did well until a burly sergeant
moved me on, So it was back to shivering on the Embankment
again. so, I wrote to the Duke and he sent his equerry to see that I got
my old place back.
“Often, after that, I saw him at his
balcony window, looking at my work
through binoculars. royal patronage,’ I thought to myself. Fancy
poor old Cornell getting royal patronage!”
That was enough to work the change In Cornell’s character. back In his
room, he found inspiration. Scenes from his wandering career as riveter,
newsboy, soldier, hawker, and boot repairer returned to him.
He remembered the gypsies he had camped with, the down-and-outs he had met.
And he started to paint these memories-to paint and paint till hisdreams came true. ,
At 50 finished; at 55 a success. There’s a moral In that for all of us.
Hunger or ambition?
The part of Harry’s story that I found resonated with me goes to the part ‘he had 2d in his pocket. He was hungry but he chose to buy chalk. I felt proud of him for seeing the bigger picture. I had in the past, followed this same view over life. It is the part I want to share with my family. I hope they understand why. I probably will still be repeating it when I am old and have lost my mind.
So put down your phone and listen to somebody tell you a story. As we get older we have many to tell. Do you find yourself repeating a tale? I would love to hear it.
It is great that you have stopped by to visit my blog. Can I ask you a huge favour. If you appreciate the time I put into sharing stories can you buy me a coffee here. I am raising some funds to help a school in Jaipur. There are more stories on my blog if you want to read more