
The Golden Temple

Our flight from Calcutta was at 4.30 in the morning, so I had prepared myself for losing a nights sleep. We were on our way to Amritsar to visit the Golden Temple. Another adventure. This…


With these wings, I can fly

Staying in Jaipur, I was asked to help out some volunteers at an NGO, They are coming to paint a wall on the outside of the school, in one of the backstreets in the slum.…


Up on the rooftops da da da

Because I like to travel alone, I can be selfish with my creative needs. Creativity fills you when you least expect it as it did one morning. I am standing on a rooftop overlooking the hazy…


Waste Not Want Not

Please don’t throw it…… Waste Not Want Not Don’t Bin it Yet!!! ‘Waste Not Want Not’ were the words I grew up listening to from my parents and grandparents. This saying probably came from the…


If I had not gone travelling

Some people believe in fate, some in God and some in the universe. I believe in decisions, ones that send you off in a direction just because it seems like a good idea. I do…


You must be yolking

Now on audio ‘Lauren, we have a big problem, I need your help, we need to smuggle six eggs out of the house before my mother finds out’ I was booked into a house in…