

FOR DAY SEVEN CLICK HERE. https://laurenstaton.com/2020/09/19/feeling-lucky-it-is-day-seven-of-our-walking-and-wellness-challenge/ FOR DAY SIX< CLICK HEREhttps://laurenstaton.com/2020/09/18/1656/ We walked along the coast towards the Port where you will find beautiful little shops. It is a little sad as we come to…


Rest easy

Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy wealth and wise, were the words quoted by Benjamin Franklin. But when something keeps you awake at night or wakes you too early in the…


Food and your mood.

How do you feel today? Give your mood a mark out of ten with number one being the lowest point. Chances are that if you are writing down anything between 2 and 6 you have…


a healthy business

A Healthy Business Dream Living. Once upon a time, you decided to pack up your home and embark on an adventure. Maybe you decided to move to another country or you are travelling the world.…