Messing around with the English language has become a hobby of mine especially when writing poetry, so it comes as no surprise that I should enjoy immersing myself in a program where I am required…
I was so excited as I made my travel plans to go off for ten months. Here is the post I wrote nearly one year ago. How things have changed. Travelling the world will now…
Our flight from Calcutta was at 4.30 in the morning, so I had prepared myself for losing a nights sleep. We were on our way to Amritsar to visit the Golden Temple. Another adventure. This…
Let us focus on what we can do and not what we are restricted from doing. I was interested to read in the news that Boris Johnson, Uk Prime Minister is to highlight the issue…
City of Joy This morning I woke up in the City of Joy, Hard to imagine after the chaotic train journey we had yesterday. Draughty carriages and the splurge of noisy people with no space…
this nonsense has been so absurd remember the yellow fluffy bird the one that led a merry dance and then for two months went to France. the hatter stuck his stick in the ground and…
They talk with great excitement on the subject of weddings. It is a huge event for every Indian family with months even years of planning sometimes going on for up to a week of celebrations.…