My travels have directed me home for a short while, however, I would love to invite you here for the festive season
We often find the best-laid plans have a plan of their own and I have been dragged back to the drawing board. I am not fretting, in fact, I had a gut feeling the universe was playing games with me and all was about to go belly up.
But have I got a list? The type of list my family and friends think I need. The answer is yes, If it makes them happy, I have a number of them, usually the type that I can write small jobs on and pleasantly tick them off hoping to help me feel a sense of achievement. Without a list, the world just crumbles about me and I will find myself swimming in a mudslide.
Nope, I need a long-term plan. Kind of difficult when the universe steps in and keeps changing things. Of course, I blame myself, well it has to be my fault for letting it get the better of me.
I am sitting in my kitchen back in La Gaia……I was supposed to be in India with my daughter. That is another story best told over a glass of wine. The sun is shining, it is warm and I am watching the reflection of light from the swimming pool as it dances across my wall and onto my bamboo roof. I have just spent an hour sweeping up the berries that fall from my palm tree and bounce off the roof tiles. The birds are singing and I have classical music playing in the background. I can hear a tut-tut sound, thinking it is a bird I creep outside to take a look. I can see it, a naughty squirrel Oh yeah! He is attempting to climb up my tree to shake more berries down.
I am now talking to a bloody squirrel, well that is what you do when you get to my age. I am explaining I have just cleared up and I do not want to do it again. Does he care? of course not, he is a squirrel but somehow I do not want to argue with him.
He has made me smile though, and that is a positive sign. There is great energy here when the house welcomes you. But you have to love it for what it is and then it will make you feel the love that is here,
So back to my list. I need to rent La Gaia for December and a bit in January. There is room for six people here I just need to go and see my son who is in New York. I would love to spend a month with him. I will do a good monthly price and you can spend the festive season in the beautiful Jalon Valley. I cannot offer you snow, but there are beautiful mountains and good cafes with hot chocolate.
Take a look at the website for more details.