
Empty Nest.

The term Empty Nest Syndrome was something I was quite unaware of as a condition.  I knew of people entering retirement and struggling to come to terms with life changes. This was not anything for…


We paint the walls and splatter.

Trailing through the Airbnb website, I come across the experiences you can book for a day, I love this idea as the experience is more hands on than the traditional activities on offer for tourists.…


If I had not gone travelling

Some people believe in fate, some in God and some in the universe. I believe in decisions, ones that send you off in a direction just because it seems like a good idea. I do…


You must be yolking

Now on audio ‘Lauren, we have a big problem, I need your help, we need to smuggle six eggs out of the house before my mother finds out’ I was booked into a house in…

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