The number 20 denotes one who has infinite potential when it comes to relationships or diplomacy. I also read that this number helps to bring projects to completion although we have another 10 days to…
Ignoring this number may mean that you will miss out on things in your life. So says google when I look for the meaning of 19. Also, if I look for nice images of the…
Angel number 18 is the number of accomplishment and inspiration. It has the universal energy which helps people who are this number in angel numerology to manifest the highest ideals and to succeed in their…
The number 17 person loves to travel to find work, the number 17 is very much a lucky number closely tied to number 8, the number of karma and fate. I managed to walk nearly…
I am posting this early as I will be on a ferry to Ibiza tomorrow morning. Excited about walking some new paths. Nothing organised so anything can happen. What is day 16 going to bring…
The number fifteen in Angel numerology marks the manifestation of a harmonious life, a synthesis of matter and spirit. Angel number 15 refers to the material and spiritual, steady flow of energy, the source of power and cooperation. Some…
The numerology number 14 is a number of expressing personal freedom, including independence and self-determination. freedom, independence and self determination. What is stopping you? Are you free to get up and go? Are you waiting for permission?…
With a sense of sadness, I watched the beaches empty in Thailand, Day after day, more visitors left. It was the beginning of April 2020 and there were worried expressions on the faces of the…